Thursday, 9 July 2009

A Strange One

I'm not really sure how to start this, or what to put in it.

I am full of mixed feelings at the moment, and I want to write about them.

Monday saw the funeral of my father-in-law. It was a roller-coaster day of emotions, as is to be expected. There were many tributes paid to him throughout the day, none more so than that of his friend, Alan. Very funny and tremendously touching too.

Luke spent another day with his Childminder, Helen yesterday. He was, to say the least, very distressed at the mere thought of me leaving him. He's been varying degree's of fine every other time I've taken him, but yesterday as soon as I parked the car outside her house, he broke down. Poor little man. Helen gave me a tip about not following him into the house, but instead to just say goodbye at the door. I shall adopt that in the future. My lovely wife said she might be taking him this morning. It'll be her first time of dropping him off and I just hope that she is ok with it. I found it very difficult walking away from him crying this morning. It has to be done, though.

It doesn't feel like I've spent much time at home at all over the last 2 weeks. My garden is like a jungle and needs a good few hours spent on it, just to bring it close to being under control. Bloody thing. Surely there must be a refugee somewhere who'd be willing to do it for a loaf, or a piece of haddock?

The new North West England MEP, Nick Griffin has done what he does best, and outraged just about everyone - again. In a BBC interview, he has said that the EU should sink boats carrying illegal immigrants to prevent them entering Europe. He does make me laugh. He seems to take a fledgling idea, then blows it up to be something completely ridiculous. Brilliant.

My lovely wife and I (sans Luke) are off to Derby this coming Saturday night to celebrate the 5th wedding anniversary of some good friends of ours. It's a red carpet, dinner jacket-y kind of affair! I'm very very excited about it. My wife has the most amazing dress to wear, and I know she is going to look double lovely with it on. I think it will do her good to let her hair down a little. I hope she enjoys it as much as I hope to.

I'm becoming more confident doing blog posts in work now.

I've started following quite a few blogs using Google Reader of late. I like Reader a lot. It's good and useful and all Google-y. I like Google. I want to use Google Wave, and I want a pc running the new Google Chrome OS.

I'm tired now, so I shall sign off.

So long as I'm saved - we shall speak again sometime.