Yep, another night shift post, so stand by for the ramblings of a tired mind.
There is some properly lovely music out there isn't there? I love shuffling my ipod and sitting back to enjoy what it sings for me. If it sings a shit song (and sometimes it does), I mark it as one star and then delete it next time I synchronise it. My logic behind it is that no song on my ipod should be shit enough to only merit one star.
On my way to work this evening I found myself stuck at a roundabout. NObody was indicating so I could not safely pull out. People behind me were flashing, like they had some sort of connection with the non-indicating drivers and they just knew which way they were turning. Fuckers.
I am on my second night of four. I have these two nights this week, then next week two days and one night before having five days off with my family. I am very very excited about spending a night just myself and my beautiful wife at a hotel in Manchester. We're going to visit the Christmas markets and drink that funny wein stuff and generally have an ace time!
In work at the moment, I am slightly fearful for my life. I am working with a bloke who has been sectioned, one who should be sectioned and a third is working on a team across the way from me who is currently looking at very detailed photographs of guns on the internet. Help!!
The weather is all weird at the moment. It is consistently fucking freezing but it keeps kind of giving us a bit of snow then stopping, so now there are white bits at the side of the main road, which are frozen solid (it's minus seven degrees outside, according to the gun fanatic). I LOVE a bit of snow, me. I know it fucks the country up something rotten, but so long as my wife doesn't have to drive in it, I like it. We had some proper snow in January this year. Two highlights for me were using a pick axe to break through the two inch thick ice that formed on the road outside our house, and my naked snow angel in the back garden.
Music Television is really bad. I'm a thirty six year old man, and flicking through the various MTV channels (not just the MTV branded channels), there was absolutely nothing that appealed to me. And then it hit me - AbsoluteTV. Absolute Radio has spawned several baby radio stations this year - Absolute Classic Rock, Absolute 80s, Absolute Radio 90's, and the newest child in the fold - Absolute 00's (noughties). There are two "obvious" decades missing from their lineup, but I'm guessing that would put them in more of a "gold" radio format territory and I'm not sure that is where they belong. So for me, the next step has to be a music television channel.
They could do it Howard Stern style (without the filth and depravity), and broadcast Christian O'Connell's breakfast show on the channel, before moving on to the best bits from their radio family throughout the day. I genuinely think this could work. I need to email someone so I can be told "oh yeah - that's ace. now go away.".
I have tentatively offered Taxi services for tomorrow night. Some of my "colleagues" from work are having a night out in Liverpool and it's quite a lucrative way of making a few pounds offering to pick them up and ferry them home. A taxi would cost about £20, so I've said £15. I won't come close to using a gallon of fuel so will make over £10 profit for my efforts.
I am going to suggest to my wonderful wife that we put our Christmas decorations up on Sunday afternoon / evening. We can listen to Christmas songs whilst we do it - all three of us. I can't wait!! Must make sure we have blu-tac.
I am in to the last month of my daily photo blog. I am very very looking forward to it finishing. It's been difficult to keep motivated enough to do it of late. I've taken to not blogging for several days, then posting a whole load at once. I'm pleased I've done it, but I won't be doing anything similar to it soon. That said, I can't help feeling like I'll be at a loose blogging end come January. Who knows what 2011 will bring?!
Ok, I've gone on for aaaages now so I'll go and drink some hot chocolate.
See ya!