So my daughter is finally here for a visit, which is nice - I'm pleased. I know it's an age thing, but I hardly ever see her because she just camps out in her room with her psp chatting on facebook.
My hair is fucked. It's such a state. My lovely wife clippered me tonight because it was so bad. I have a ridiculous hairline which produces a V at the front and goes all wonky at the back. I am SO tempted to clip it right back, but I look like an AIDS victim when it's like that.
My children have no manners. They're not nasty, they just don't naturally use please and thank you. We've done loads for them the last few days and a little bit of gratitude wouldn't go a miss. I don't want them to be grateful for every little thing I do because some things you just do as a parent, but just occasionally to acknowledge hard work would be nice.
I like being nude. Or rather - I'm comfortable being nude. Nude around the house. Nude on holiday. I'll never shy away from a nude dare. I have no hang-ups with nudity. Now, I'm no adonis, not even close to one, but for me, nudity isn't about having the perfect body and showing it off. It's not about anyone else - it's about me. I cannot explain (and I've thought about it a lot today) why I feel so comfortable about nudity. As a child, I am not aware that my parents were care-free in anyway when it came to nudity. My lovely wife, however - does not feel the same. I don't mean she's prudish about her body because she's not. She just doesn't want to be nude as often as me! :-) I love every part of my wife's body and my view is "it's a shame" that she doesn't feel the same way I do. Hmmmm. One to ponder for me.
I'm tired and cranky and short tempered today. All in all - an arse to live with. Sorry to those sharing a house with me.