Friday, 9 January 2009

Why Oh Why

I haven't posted anything here for a few days now. Not particularly through a lack of time, but mainly through a lack of motivation, but now - I feel guilty.

Guilty is a stupid thing to feel. I have NO followers. No bugger ever comes here and reads this crap that I spout, so why do I feel guilty? I don't know - maybe I feel like I'm letting myself down by not keeping it updated. Ah well - now i've started....

I am 8 days into my beard. It has been stubbly. It has been a bit spikey. I had a day of tremendous itchy-ness, too, but now - it's soft. I'm also pleased because it isn't ginger. It's mostly my regular hair colour, but the chin area is a bit grey. Now I can't remember if i've said this before on here, but i've always fancied a grey beard. However, now it's here, i'm thinking i'm going to look a bit "Damon Hill". He really didn't suit a beard. I bumped into an old friend today, and she complimented me on my beardy look. Thinking about it - she was hardly likely to say "hey - haven't seen you in years - what the fuck is that on your face?" was she?

I am so hungry and have got soooooo much to do before my beautiful wife comes home from work, I really must go and get on with boring, yet important tasks. Ooohh - just remembered it's Friday night. Friday night is 80's night on Century Radio (soon to be known as Real Radio). A name change that I approve of. Who the hell cares about my opinions on this. I'm off. See y'z.